robyn ivy

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It’s nice to see nature experiencing a sort of come back right now, isn’t it?  Turns out it’s true that when given a much needed break from human activity, the Earth really will heal itself and allow itself to again run wild.

I’ve read that water quality has improved; so much so that India’s Ganga River water is safe enough to that possible? And apparently fish can be seen now in Italy’s famous Venice canals. Skies are clearer all over the world, with NASA satellite data showing air pollution was down by 30% in March compared to this time last year. 

It’s been impactful to witness that the fastest and most powerful healing thing we can do for our planet is for us to STOP doing the harmful things that we as humans do on the daily to it and/or to at least pause and let nature catch it’s breath.

Perhaps the earth isn’t doing anything different right now at all. What if instead is just continuing to follow its trajectory towards overall well being based on deep and ancient patterns that we were getting in the way of?   

Nature’s innate wisdom seeks balance over time and endures many seasons and cycles, massive destruction and unbelievable rebirth to achieve it. It takes many moving parts in the natural world to work together for regeneration to be possible but somehow everything knows just what to do.

I call this our original instructions. The wisdom, deep knowing and intrinsically you-ness that makes a river otter not a manatee, butterflies migrate thousands of miles or you being a whiz on the tenor saxophone.

For nature’s symphony to deliver everything has to play it’s specific and unique piece of the larger music-no matter what or how weird it sounds compared to anyone one else’s. Are we really so different?

Animals are instinctively coming out of hiding and reclaiming many natural areas. Can you blame them?  A friend of mine recently shared a photo of a grizzly bear walking down the street in her Canadian town; sauntering casually as if you’d be expecting it to be doing so on any given Tuesday afternoon.

What if deep inside each of us is a yearning for restoration too right now? What if this giant pause here on what your: life, job, mind, family, heart, soul or dream used to look like is our own wise knowing that we too have these original instructions (like the lions napping in the streets of Africa or the magic that is what makes birds know how to fly) that we haven’t been following as closely as we had meant too...if we were brave enough to believe in them at all. 

Are you being filled with a longing to find equilibrium again? If you get quiet enough what do you hear? Let your original instructions call out to you from deep within and show you who you are now after sitting in this fire for so long and being transformed by it. Who is this shaping you to become if you allow it to? I want us all to be so willing because the gift will be worth it, I know this.  What will you do with all of what’s here now? 

Let this time restore any part of you that can make space for that to happen. This is the real work of changing our lives.  You are more courageous than you realize.