Did this happen to you? Suddenly mid pandemic this word started following me. Opportunity. Opportunity to pivot, opportunity to boost my coaching work and go all in, opportunity to take it online, opportunity to scale. Opportunity to have my biggest month yet…if only I’d dig deep enough and be my own leader etc. !It picked up it’s pace and began chasing me.

It was echoed in my friend’s voices and it was stressing me out. I felt like a kid, scrambling to find enough loose change fast enough in the couch to not miss the departing ice cream truck.

Seemed like people were forming camps of those who are taking advantage of this opportunity and those who aren’t. Was I really missing my window to turn this whole pandemic around for myself because I couldn’t get out of my own way? Then I remembered what I already know.

Maybe. But only if I choose to believe that.

Then a better question. What is the real opportunity for me in this right now? For all of us? Oh right. All of it. In it’s own, perfect timing. Across many levels. How many perspectives can we look at this from?

We have the opportunity to take this time to get to know ourselves even better. We have the opportunity to listen more deeply to our own inner wisdom that knows what the one next right step for us is…and always does so it’s an invaluable muscle to strengthen.

We have the opportunity to learn what it means to show up for ourselves and feel every bit of the roller coaster of emotion while being transformed. We have the opportunity to be guided by a deeper voice that actually changes our lives when we allow it to.

We have the opportunity to get stronger: physically, emotionally and spiritually and in our connection to friends and families. We also have the opportunity to come undone and unravel so fully that we can become something/someone totally new. We have the opportunity to get clearer about what we really want moving forward and what’s important to us. And then once we have taken ourselves up on the opportunity to grieve, feel, fight, and surrender…we accept and move forward.

Then we get to the work of the opportunity to create our next chapter. We get the job, write the book, start the podcast, plant the garden, learn kajabi, say yes to the proposal, move out west, create the budget, take it online. We take the action and live out all those opportunities we weren’t ripe to take God, our friends, our inbox or ourselves up on earlier.

Divine timing. For some of you this may happen in a completely different or reverse order. Maybe it’s not happening for you at all. Point being, opportunity is a matter of perspective. What we choose to think about, be changed by and become in the process actually becomes the opportunity itself.

Whatever is unfolding. Whatever opportunity you are living in, live it fully. You are perfect where you are. You are not missing anything. This moment will lead to the next. Be willing to be shown and then act upon that vision. See here now.

Get as much “done” (whatever that means) makes sense for you and makes your heart happy. You could be being VERY productive on the inside growing a new version of yourself and that’s hard work. But also seriously do some abs though because summer bodies are made in the winter and later you might want cake. Just do the abs. You won’t ever wish you hadn’t. Like 50 crunches. That’s what love looks like.

I am here. I see you. You are loved.

Robyn Ivy1 Comment