robyn ivy

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Surrender the self doubt

I didn’t know social media shut down yesterday, because Mother Nature was open for business and had my fullest attention. We spent the day climbing and exploring amongst these huge rocks in Joshua Tree National Park.

I was remembering how powerful it is to listen to the wisdom of nature instead of other people- especially when we feel we need outside input.

So we laid our bodies out in the sun, across the expanse of these giant ancient stones, closed our eyes and listened carefully. We stayed like that for a long time.

The spirits here in these rocks have things to say. You can see them, feel them and hear them if you’re willing to get quiet and open enough.

Whatever self doubt or wobbly trust you may have in yourself, you can begin to rebuild it in collaboration with nature. She has always known the way home to ourselves.

Listen to the wind, move amongst the trees, the rocks, the sea. Notice the cycles and shifts that are built into the system and know that what built that also made you.

I came out west craving the sense of possibility that wide open vistas ignite in me. I’ve gotten so much more out of this first week while waiting for the van to be repaired to begin then I could have hoped for.

Today I invite you to hit your own social media pause button and focus on building a relationship and network with the most reliable source of inspiration, understanding and connection.