Why we are called
We don’t often know until later why we were called to a place. Go anyway, not knowing why. Trust the pull, the longing, the inner nudge. It may feel selfish to indulge yourself but you might not actually be going for you after all. What if you’re being called to exactly where someone else needs you to be; to listen, to help, to acknowledge, to support? We so often think of our travels as things we do for ourselves but today I’ll invite you to remember that this give and take of life is also about what others may need from us that we didn’t even know.
You might show up and it was your smile they needed, your hug, your presence, your kindness, your soft place to fall, your inspiration or encouragement.
You may be a catalyst or a lap to lay ones head in. Either way. Go. Trust you’ll be led where needed. Does it change your willingness to say yes to adventure if you knew it may be more about service than self?
I have loved every conversation, interaction and connection this trip has brought me. It’s been a beautiful dance.